Arthur Gammage has appealed to SA National Society members for help with information about the now hidden murals in 320 West Street.
He writes:
I am looking for any photos of the large Durban scene murals in the arcade of 320 West Street. These were above the shopfronts as a feature along the high, almost double volume passage. It was planned to build a footbridge across to Pine Parkade, implemented much later.
The centre was built during the 1970s. The architect was the late Ian Gourlay, with partners.
In 1991, as part of a makeover, a ceiling was put in which conceals the tiled murals. Harry Etheridge, interior designer who worked on this project, has offered to look for the photos taken at the time, among his old records.
The property now having changed hands, I wish to check that the new owner is aware of this hidden artwork.
Any format – negatives, prints or slides will do.
Please email Arthur Gammage with any information you have:
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