The aims of the SA National Society (P.B.O. 930011633) are clearly spelt out in its constitution and a brief synopsis of its aims are:
- to cultivate a love for, and appreciation of, the natural, historical and cultural heritage of South Africa and all its peoples
- to promote interest in, and appreciation of, those aspects of natural resources, History and culture which are important to all the South African people
- to give general support and publicity to the S.A. Heritage Resources Agency and the Amafa/Heritage KwaZulu-Natal in their task of preserving the natural, historical and cultural heritage of S.A., and to support any other body or organization engaged in, or faced with, a similar task
- The organization is registered as a Public Benefit Organization (P.B.O. 930011633), which allows for donations to be made to SANS free of Donations Tax.
Click to download a copy of the SA National Society Constitution :SANS 2018-Nov Constitution-change record-signed
Click to download a copy of the SARS PBO and Tax Exempt Letter SARS PBO & SARS Income Tax Exemption Approval & PBO Letter 2017-11-17
2019 Renewal letter from SARS below: