NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING THE DATE: TUESDAY 13th MAY 2014 VENUE: KwaMUHLE MUSEUM Bram Fischer Road [Ordnance Road] Durban. TIME: Meeting commences at 17h30; Refreshments will be served from 16h45. PARKING: Off Bram Fischer/Ordnance road [next to the Museum]; security
Newsletter April 2014
NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING THE DATE: TUESDAY 8th APRIL 2014 VENUE: KwaMUHLE MUSEUM Bram Fischer Road [Ordnance Road] Durban. TIME: Meeting commences at 17h30; Refreshments will be served from 16h45. PARKING: Off Bram Fischer/Ordnance road [next to the Museum]; security
2014 Killie Campbell Bursary Winner – Pranitha Bharat
Pranitha Bharat was the winner of the Killie Campbell Bursary in 2014. Pranitha is a school history teacher, who received her Doctorate from UKZN. Here she is seen receiving her Doctorate, and the other image is of her with her