The story of the Battle of Congella fought 175 years ago on 23 May 1842, which was researched and written by Udo Averweg can be downloaded by clicking the link below. Battle of Congella and Congella Regiment article dated 2nd May 2017
Relief of the siege of Fort Port Natal by Udo Averweg
Click to download a copy of Udo Averweg’s recently published research about the relief of the siege if Fort Port Natal 175 years ago – posted mid 2017. Relief of the siege of Fort Port Natal article dated 28th June
Durban Art Deco Society Outing 23 July 2017
The Durban Art Deco Society has a most interesting talk and outing on Sunday 23 July. This will start at Curries Fountain and finish at Emmanuel Cathedral. There is a small charge of R30 pp and those wishing to participate
THE DATE: 11 July 2017 VENUE: KwaMuhle Museum, Bram Fischer Road [Ordnance Road] Durban. TIME: Meeting commences at 17:15; Refreshments will be served from 16:30. PARKING: Off Bram Fischer/Ordnance road [next to the Museum]; security person is present FEATURE: Mazeppa