Dear Members and Associates
A belated happy New Year to all and a warm welcome to new members who have recently joined SANS.
Notice of our next meeting on Tuesday 12 February 2019 is attached. Chris Hoare will entertain us with a story of adventure and intrigue.
The committee are in the process of lining up interesting monthly speakers and in the year ahead some talks will be linked to the anniversaries of historical events
- 170 years ago the first Byrne settlers arrived in Natal
- The battle of Isandlwana took place 140 years ago
- 1919 marked the signing of the Treaty of Versailles
- 80 years ago Britain declared war on Nazi Germany
- 50 years ago Neil Armstrong landed on the moon
The first outing of the year is a visit to Elephant House one of Durban’s oldest buildings situated at the top of Peter Mokaba (Ridge) Road. Details of this visit will be sent out soon.
Also on the 2019 program are excursions to
- Old St Thomas’s cemetery
- Emmanuel Cathedral
- West Street cemetery(repeat visit)
- A weekend away: Nottingham Road. BOOKING FORM ATTACHED.RSVP by 15/02/2019
Notices of all these events will be available soon and will also be advertised on the website.
We are most grateful to Hugh Glen who has offered his services as Newsletter Editor for 2019. A quarterly review of all the society’s activities will be distributed in March.
Members will be pleased to know that Hardy and Astrea are settling well into their new life in Perth and are looking forward to moving into their own home this month.
We look forward to a good attendance at the February meeting and the 2019 committee welcome your ideas to help make our society relevant and dynamic.
Best wishes
Angela St George
Nottingham Rd Booking Form (3)
Nottingham Rd Booking Form (3)