Recently Kathy Munro wrote a review of this book for the Heritage Portal. As her review says it was an overview of its present as it was in 1960.

Arthur Gammage, who worked for the city, has scanned some of the illustrations and written comments about the photographs which the Society is uploading to the History Section of its website.

Illuminated City Hall 75
First Town Office (now Chester House, 388 West Street). The column at the right edge is of Anstey’s street Veranda
Claridges and Edward Hotels.

Claridges was the first of Crofton & Benjamin’s buildings in Durban.

Las Vegas Block of Flats

Las Vegas Block of flats, also by Crofton & Benjamin after they had set up office in Durban

The Kentish Tavern

The Kentish Tavern, which is shown on the 1892 Durban Map.

The high rise just past C Argo’s (the building is still there) is Bales Building.

Robertson’s Spice building, corner Pickering and Creek Streets

Robertson’s Spice building, corner Pickering and Creek Streets. I had noticed this modernist corner to an industrial building but did not know its origin. The name at the top is Pyagra (insecticide). L Rose & Co. introduced Rose’s Lime Marmalade in the 1930s.

Arthur Gammage 2017-10-02

Click to download a pdf of Arthur Gammage’s history SANS-Arthur Gammage Durban 1960 Illustrations 2017-10-10

Review of Durban from its beginnings to its Silver Jubilee of City Status